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Energomontaż The Winner - The Golden Website - V Edition Nagroda Ministra Skarbu Państwa dla Energomontaż-Południe SA Wyniki I etapu Konkursu ZŁOTA STRONA EMITENTA VI
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Cost update of a private offer of D-series shares

Current Report No.: 5/2009
Date: 01.27.2009

Cost update of a private offer of D-series shares

With reference to current report No 82/2008, issued on the 3rd September 2008, concerning the subscription results of a private D series shares offer, the Board of Energomontaż-Południe S.A. (the Issuer, the Company) presents certain information applying to all costs bore in relation to the above-mentioned issue of shares.
As at the day of submission of this present report, from among the costs indicated in § 33 sec. 1 point 12 of the Regulation, the Issuer has born the following costs:
Counseling costs: PLN 18,000
Remaining costs: PLN 41,852 (administrative costs)
Total costs of running the offer amounted to PLN 59,852.
Due to the fact that the D series shares were issued within private subscription, the Issuer did not bear any other than the above-mentioned costs, including the ones resulting from shares acquisition agreements or agreements limiting sales of these shares until 22nd August 2010.
The issuing costs of D series shares will decrease reserve capital (agio) which resulted from the surplus of share sales at a price above their nominal value. An updated average cost of running the offer per one D series share was PLN 0.0136.
Other formerly given information in the above-mentioned current report did not undergo any changes.


 Wojciech Nazarek  - Chairman of the Board
 Andrzej Hołda  - Vice-Chairman of the Board


Legal grounds: Art. 56 Sec. 5 of the Act on Offer – information update



Cost update of a private offer of D-series shares
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