string(81) "Smarty error: problem writing temporary file '//tmp/templates_c/wrt67bbb1e05e291'" string(81) "Smarty error: problem writing temporary file '//tmp/templates_c/wrt67bbb1e05e37a'"
RAFAKO S.A. held 46,021,520 shares, providing entitlement to 46,021,520 votes, corresponding to 64.84 per cent of the total votes in the Company and 79.59 per cent of the votes at the above-mentioned General Meeting.
Ms Renata Gasinowicz held 4,746,797 shares, providing entitlement to 4,746,797 votes, corresponding to 6.69 per cent of the total votes in the Company and 8.21 per cent of the votes at the above-mentioned General Meeting.
Mr Jan Jurkiewicz held 3,678,132 shares, providing entitlement to 3,678,132 votes, corresponding to 5.18 per cent of the total votes in the Company and 6.36 per cent of the votes at the above-mentioned General Meeting.