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Energomontaż Południe

Notification of transactions concerning shares in the Issuer by a member of the management

Publish date: 11.30.2011

The Management Board of Energomontaż-Południe S.A. (the Company) announces that on 26 October 2011 under the procedure of Article 160 par. 1 pt. 1 of the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments it received notification from a member of the management of Energomontaż-Południe S.A. that ...

The Management Board of Energomontaż-Południe S.A. (the Company) announces that, on 26 October 2011, under the procedure of Article 160 par. 1 pt. 1 of the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments, it received notification from a member of the management of Energomontaż-Południe S.A. that, in ordinary session transactions on the Warsaw Stock Exchange (Giełda Papierów Wartościowych w Warszawie S.A.), he had performed the following transactions to acquire:
- on 24 November 2011, 4,300 shares in the Company at an average unit price of PLN 2.27,
- on 25 November 2011, 14,000 shares in the Company at an average unit price of PLN 2.25,
- on 28 November 2011, 3,000 shares in the Company at an average unit price of PLN 2.22,
- on 29 November 2011, 1,497 shares in the Company at an average unit price of PLN 2.19.

The notifying person did not consent to publication of the data specified in Clause 2 par. 1 pt. 1 of the Regulation of the Minister of Finance of 15 November 2005 on transferring and making available information about certain transactions involving financial instruments and on the principles of drawing up and maintaining a list of persons having access to specific inside information.

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