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Energomontaż Południe

Letter of intent on assembly work carried out at the Bełchatów S.A. coal mine (PGE Kopalni Węgla Brunatnego Bełchatów S.A.).

Publish date: 02.09.2010

The Management Board of Energomontaż-Południe S.A. (the Issuer) announces that following the completion of talks conducted by Energomontaż-Południe S.A. with the German firm Steinmϋller Instandsetzung Kraftwerke GmbH on 9 February 2010 the German side conveyed a letter of intent stating that it intends to commission the Issuer with assembly work as part of the modernization of block no. 5 of the coal mine PGE Kopalni Węgla Brunatnego Bełchatów S.A. The value of the task is approximately PLN 19.5 million.
The Management Board of Energomontaż-Południe S.A. (the Issuer) announces that following the completion of talks conducted by Energomontaż-Południe S.A. with the German firm Steinmϋller Instandsetzung Kraftwerke GmbH, on 9 February 2010, the German side conveyed a letter of intent stating that it intends to commission the Issuer with assembly work as part of the modernization of block no. 5 of the coal mine PGE Kopalni Węgla Brunatnego Bełchatów S.A. The value of the task is approximately PLN 19.5 million. According to the preliminary work schedule, the task will be carried out from the second quarter of 2010 until the end of this year.

Remaining details regarding the fulfillment of the above task will be laid down in a contract, the conclusion of which will be announced by the Issuer in a separate communiqué.



Alina Sowa
-Vice President of the Management Board
AJAcek Fydrych
-Member of the Management Board


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